muck about

suomi-englanti sanakirja

muck about englannista suomeksi

  1. sekoilla

  1. Verbi

  2. lorvailla, puuhastella

  3. hiplata, sörkkiä, sorkkia

  4. vitsaillla, pelleillä

muck about englanniksi

  1. To do random unplanned work or spend time idly

  2. ''Stop mucking about and get on with your work!''

  3. To attempt to do something with a piece of equipment without understanding how it works.

  4. ''Don't muck about with the video machine, or you might break it.''

  5. To be playful; full of fun and high spirits; to not treat the situation seriously.

  6. ''It was only a joke. We were only mucking about.''

  7. (quote-book)