
suomi-englanti sanakirja

most englannista suomeksi

  1. eniten

  2. tosi, todella, mitä, äärimmäisen, mitä + superlative, erittäin

  3. suurimmalta osin

  1. eniten

  2. useimmat, eniten

  3. suurin osa">suurin osa, usein / useimmat, enemmistö

  4. superlative is formed with a suffix

  5. erittäin, äärimmäisen, todella, tosi, mitä + superlative">mitä + superlative

  6. suurin osa">suurin osa, enemmistö

  7. Substantiivi

  8. Verbi

most englanniksi

  1. (superlative of).

  2. (ux)

  3. (superlative of): the comparatively largest number of ((ngd))

  4. (superlative of): the majority of; more than half of ((ngd))

  5. (non-gloss definition)

  6. (ant)

  7. (RQ:Maxwell Mirror and the Lamp) some of it on the south and more of it on the north of the great main thoroughfare that connects Aldgate and the East India Docks, St. Bede's at this period of its history was perhaps the poorest and most miserable parish in the East End of London.

  8. (RQ:Travers Cuckoo in the Nest) the awfully hearty sort of Christmas cards that people do send to other people that they don't know at all well. You know. The kind that have mottoes(..). And then, when you see senders, you probably find that they are the most melancholy old folk with malignant diseases. (..)

  9. To a great extent or degree; highly; very.

  10. (quote-song)

  11. (RQ:Melville Moby-Dick)

  12. (RQ:Wells Time Machine)

  13. (quote-book)

  14. (superlative of)

  15. {{quote-journal|en|date=2013-08-03|volume=408|issue=8847|magazine=The Economist|title=Boundary Problems

  16. The greatest; the best.

  17. (quote-av)

  18. The greater part of a group, especially a group of people.

  19. The greatest amount.

  20. The greater part.

  21. (RQ:Besant Ivory Gate) half-past nine on this Saturday evening the parlor of the Salutation Inn, High Holborn, contained most of its customary visitors.(..)In former days every tavern of repute kept such a room for the select circle—a club, or society, of ''habitués'', who met every evening for a pipe and a cheerful glass.

  22. (RQ:Allingham China Governess)The second note, the high alarum, not so familiar and always important since it indicates the paramount sin in Man's private calendar, took most of them by surprise although they had been well prepared.

  23. {{quote-journal|en|date=2013-08-16|author=John Vidal

  24. A record-setting amount.

  25. Almost.

  26. 1998, Bill Zehme, ''The Way You Wear Your Hat: And the Lost Art of Livin' '' (page 181)

  27. A well-daiquiried redhead eyed him from across the room at Jilly's one night in 1963 — although it could have been most any night ever (..)
  28. {{quote-book|en|year=2000|title=Jewish Baltimore: A Family Album|page=159|isbn=0801864275

  29. must (gloss)

  30. bridge

  31. must (unfermented grape juice or wine)

  32. now

  33. (superseded spelling of)

  34. (alt form)

  35. (inflection of)

  36. 2|must, (unfermented) juice, particularly juice

  37. must

  38. bridge (gl)

  39. bridge (construction or natural feature that spans a divide)

  40. monster