
suomi-englanti sanakirja

monic englanniksi

  1. Of a polynomial whose leading coefficient is one. Category:en:Polynomials

  2. Monomorphic.

  3. ''Of a morphism'': that it is a monomorphism.

  4. (quote-book)

  5. It is often convenient to view a monic arrow i: A \rightarrowtail C, defined in Chapter 1, as showing that ''A'' is a copy of a part of ''C'', and that ''i'' maps the copy on to that part. For example, in Set, the monic arrows are the one-to-one functions and, clearly, if ''i'' is one-to-one then ''A'' is a copy of a subset of ''C'', namely of the image of ''i''.

    ''If a composition (of morphisms) is monic then, by theorem, the pre-composite of it is monic as well.''

  6. A monic polynomial.