
suomi-englanti sanakirja

missa englanniksi

  1. a mass, in the sense of a composition setting several sung parts of the liturgical service (most often chosen from the ordinary parts Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Dei and/or Sanctus) to music, notably when the text in Latin is used (as long universally prescribed by Rome)

  2. mass

  3. money

  4. to lose

  5. (inflection of)

  6. Mass; Christian eucharistic liturgy

  7. ''Omni dominica sex missas facite'' ("Each Sunday, do six masses") Caesarius of Arles, ''Regula ad monachos'', PL 67, 1102B.

  8. mass (gloss)

  9. (roa-opt-cite-cantigas)

  10. Eſta é de como ſta maria pareceu en toledo a ſant alifonſſo ⁊ deull ũa alua q̇ trouxe de paraẏſo con que diſſeſſe miſſa.
    : This one is (about) how Holy Mary appeared to Saint Ildefonso in Toledo and gave him an alb from paradise to celebrate mass.
  11. to miss, lose

  12. mass (religion: celebration of the Eucharist)

  13. (pt-verb form of)

  14. to miss; to fail to hit (a target)

  15. to miss; to be late for something

  16. to miss; to forget about (something which happened or should be done)

  17. to miss; to fail to attend

  18. to miss; to fail to understand or have a shortcoming of perception

  19. to overlook; to look over and beyond (anything) without seeing it

  20. table

  21. (syn)