
suomi-englanti sanakirja

minus englannista suomeksi

  1. miinus

  2. miinus-

  1. miinus, pois

  2. Substantiivi

  3. miinus colloquial

  4. negatiivinen

  5. miinus, pakkanen of temperatures

  6. miinus, miikka slang

  7. Verbi

minus englanniksi

  1. Made less or reduced by (i). (defdate)

  2. (ant)


  3. Without; deprived of. (defdate)

  4. (syn)

  5. The sign (). (defdate)

  6. (quote-journal)|month=January|year=1835|page=427|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/sim_metropolitan-magazine_1835-01_12_45/page/427/mode/1up|passage=On the third day a Master Barnard brings me up a slate full of plusses, minusses, ''x'', ''y'', ''z''’s, and other letters of the alphabet, in a most amiable algebraical confusion.

  7. A negative quantity. (defdate)

  8. A downside or disadvantage. (defdate)

  9. (quote-book)

  10. (quote-book)|year=2015|page=113|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/matterofvisionaf0000wyet/page/113/mode/1up|isbn=9780 86196 712 4|passage=As with LCR tout court the question is less to do with the plusses and minusses of the individual ideologies in themselves than in their relationship with their opposite numbers, in this case of Reason with Emotion.

  11. Being a negative quantity; pertaining to a deficit or reduction. (defdate)

  12. ''a minus number''

  13. That is below zero by (a specified amount) on a scale. (defdate)

  14. ''minus seven degrees''

  15. Worse off than before; of pocket. (defdate)

  16. 1808–10, (w), ''Memoirs of a Georgian Rake'', Folio Society 1995, p. 301:

  17. The races being finished, we left Epsom for London, Mordaunt's natural vile temper not being at all improved by being three hundred pounds minus by the week's speculation (..).
  18. Ranking just below (a designated rating). (defdate)

  19. ''He got a grade of B minus for his essay.''

  20. To subtract. (defdate)

  21. minus

  22. (l)

  23. (uxi)

  24. (quote-journal)

  25. minus, less

  26. less

  27. the least

  28. (inflection of)

  29. (comparative of) https://latin-dictionary.net/definition/29405/parum-minus-minime

  30. (comparative of)

  31. (uxi) minus/(l)/(l)|t=otherwise, if not

  32. minus, sign

  33. sign

  34. minuns, defect, deficiency

  35. sign, minus

  36. (l)