
suomi-englanti sanakirja

merlon englannista suomeksi

  1. kahden ampuma-aukon välinen muurinosa

  1. sakara

  2. Substantiivi

merlon englanniksi

  1. Any of the upright projections between the embrasures of a battlement, originally for archers to shield behind while shooting arrows over the embrasures, or through loopholes in the merlons.

  2. (synonyms)|embattle|q2=heraldry

  3. (quote-book)|edition=2nd|location=London|publisher=(...) Abell Swall;(nb...)|year=1693|page=75|pageurl=|oclc=1171867350|passage=The ''Merlons'', to the end that they may be good, ought to be made of Earth, the most eaſie to be tempered that may be: And this Earth ought alſo to be mixed with Withy Twigs, or Brambles, provided they take Root, after which they are to be lined with good Turff.

  4. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(...) Nourse|John Nourse,(nb...)|year=1754|volume=II|section=section II (Of Batteries), paragraph 26|page=610|pageurl=|oclc=316358261|passage=The parapet conſiſts of two parts, namely, the ''wall'' and the ''merlons''. ... The (smallcaps) are detached pieces of the parapet, leaving openings called (smallcaps), thro' which the cannon deliver their ſhot.

  5. (quote-journal)|editor=Sylvanus Urban (w)|magazine=The Gentleman's Magazine|The Gentleman’s Magazine, and Historical Chronicle|location=London|publisher=(...) David Henry and R. Cave,(nb...)|month=July|year=1756|volume=XXVI|section=footnote|page=319|pageurl=|column=2|oclc=192374019|passage=A battery of guns is a bank of earth thrown up to cover the men that are to ſerve the guns; this bank is cut into holes for the cannons to fire through, about 12 feet diſtant from each other. Theſe holes are called embraſures, and the maſſes of earth between them are called merlons; ...

  6. (RQ:Staunton China)|page=419|passage=Along the walls, at the distance of every hundred yards, were square stone towers. In the parapets were also embrasures, and holes in merlons for archery; but there were no cannon, except a few old wrought-iron pieces near the gate.

  7. (quote-book) School of Military Engineering|Establishment for Field Instruction|year=1832|section=part II (Containing an Essay on the Construction of Batteries in the Field), section I (The Several Kinds of Batteries Defined.(nb...))|page=16|pageurl=|oclc=224729515|passage=The property of sloping surfaces ... causes a cannon ball from the fortress, which enters by the mouth and strikes one cheek of an embrasure, to glance off without penetrating through the merlon on that side. Such a ball is not therefore likely to prove fatal to those men who are covered by the merlon, but to those only who stand immediately behind the embrasure, and not always even to them, for if it should strike the very sloping part of the cheek, it may be reflected upwards.

  8. (quote-book)

  9. (alternative spelling of)

  10. (quote-book)|year=1949|page=56|pageurl=|oclc=1112973378|passage=Most of the fibulae have a triangular molding above the notch, which probably contained wound wire. The crossbar is decorated either with a flat knob or with a Persian merlon.

  11. (quote-book)|year=1991|page=23|pageurl=|isbn=978-0-313-27453-4|issn=0885-9159|passage=Smaller and less powerful falcons included the merlon, the hobby, and the kesterel.

  12. (l)

  13. (l)