
suomi-englanti sanakirja

maata englanniksi

  1. bed

  2. lie

  3. underlie

  4. repose

  5. lie down

  1. (noun form of)

  2. to down, lie

  3. to be lying (gloss)

  4. to lie, sex (q)

  5. (coi)

  6. to lay, to sex with, to have one's way with

  7. {{quote-book|fi

  8. (synonym of)

  9. (infl of)

  10. (uxi)

  11. to sleep

  12. (RQ:izh:Bukvari:1936)

  13. (RQ:izh:Oppikirja-1:1936)

  14. (RQ:SKVR)

  15. (inflection of)

  16. (RQ:izh:Junus:1936) has a lot of ground.|page=72

  17. unripe; raw