
suomi-englanti sanakirja

luge englannista suomeksi

  1. liukua

  2. kelkka, ohjaskelkka

  1. Substantiivi

  2. ohjaskelkka

  3. ohjaskelkkailu

  4. Verbi

  5. kelkkailla

luge englanniksi

  1. A racing sled for one or two people that is ridden with the rider or riders lying on their back.

  2. The sport of racing on luges.

  3. A piece of bone, ice or other material with a channel down which a drink (usually alcoholic) can be poured into someone's mouth.

  4. (quote-book) Committee on Continuing Professional Education|year=1999|page=20|isbn=978-0-8318-0792-4|passage=The luge was a block of ice, sometimes up to three-and-one-half feet long, which had narrow grooves etched into it. Alcohol was poured onto one end of the luge and as the alcohol traveled down the narrow grooves in the block of ice, it was cooled and then ran directly into the mouth of the waiting drinker on the other end.

  5. (quote-book)

  6. To ride a luge; also, to participate in the sport of luge.

  7. To slide or slip down a slope.

  8. (quote-journal) After the girlfriend luged to her death halfway down the icy slope, Ollestad had to pick his way down alone, following the trail of her blood.

  9. (l) (gloss) (qualifier)

  10. (l) (gloss) (qualifier); (ellipsis of)

  11. sledge, sled (qualifier)

  12. (inflection of)

  13. (verb form of)

  14. (l) (gloss)

  15. (l) (sport)