
suomi-englanti sanakirja

ligature englannista suomeksi

  1. yhteensulauma

  2. kiristin, sidelanka, ligatuuri

  3. sidos, side

  4. sitominen

  5. sidotut nuotit

  1. Substantiivi

  2. sitominen

  3. ligatuuri in surgery; side, sidos generally

  4. ligatuuri

  5. ligatuuri, kiristin

  6. Verbi

ligature englanniksi

  1. The act of tying or binding something.

  2. A cord or similar thing used to tie something; especially the thread used in surgery to close a vessel or duct.

  3. (co) clothing that prevents one from using it to tie knots

  4. (RQ:Swift Gulliver)

  5. {{quote-journal|en|year=2018|author=Eli Rosenberg|title=She stalked the Golden State Killer until she died. Some think her work led to the suspect’s arrest|journal=The Washington Post

  6. A thread or wire used to remove tumours, etc.

  7. The state of being bound or stiffened; stiffness.

  8. ''the ligature of a joint''

  9. A character that visually combines multiple letters, such as æ, œ, ß or ij; also logotype. Sometimes called a ligature.

  10. (meronyms)

  11. A group of notes played as a phrase, or the curved line that indicates such a phrase.

  12. A curve or line connecting notes; a slur.

  13. A piece used to hold a reed to the mouthpiece on woodwind instruments.

  14. Impotence caused by magic or charms.

  15. To ligate; to tie.

  16. a tie; the action of tying

  17. a binding, notably in horticulture

  18. (l); a character that combines multiple letters; logotype

  19. (inflection of)

  20. bandage, dressing

  21. ligament