
suomi-englanti sanakirja

legume englannista suomeksi

  1. palkokasvi

  2. palko

  1. Substantiivi

  2. herne pea; papu bean

  3. hernekasvi

  4. palko

legume englanniksi

  1. The fruit or seed of leguminous plants (as peas or beans) used for food.

  2. (hypo)

  3. Any of a large family ((taxfmt), syn. (taxfmt)) of dicotyledonous herbs, shrubs, and trees having fruits that are legumes or loments, bearing nodules on the roots that contain nitrogen-fixing bacteria, and including important food and forage plants (as peas, beans, or clovers).

  4. A pod dehiscent into two pieces or valves, and having the seed attached at one suture, as that of the pea.

  5. (l) (gloss)

  6. 1285, Miguel Romaní Martínez (ed.), ''La colección diplomática de Santa María de Oseira (1025-1310)''. Santiago: Tórculo Edicións, page 1114:

  7. ''et darmos ende cada anno por vosso mayordomo, a que devemos a proveer mentre coller o pan et o vinno, meo de vinno et de noçes, de castanas, de peros, de legumia, et de çhousa, et de lino et de triigo, et de sirgo, et de gaado mayor et de cuba se o vendermos, et terça de çeveyra et de millio, et dorgio, et levarmolo todo por nos a vossa grangia dAmbas Mestas''
    : and so we should give each year to your steward, whom we should provide as he is taking the bread and the wine, half of wine and of walnuts, of chestnuts, of peers, of legume, of the products of the garden, of flax, of wheat, of silk, of oxen, of sold wine; and a third of fodder, of millet, of barley; and we should deliver all of it at your farm of Ambas Mestas
  8. {{quote-book|gl|year=1291|editor=E. Cal Pardo|title=Colección diplomática medieval do arquivo da catedral de Mondoñedo|location=Santiago|publisher=Consello da Cultura Galega|page=78

  9. other vegetables and greens which are consumed after cooking

  10. any vegetable

  11. (syn)

  12. (monikko) ro|legumă