
suomi-englanti sanakirja

lata englanniksi

  1. (alt form)

  2. tin (gloss)

  3. bruise

  4. (feminine singular of)

  5. bore, drag

  6. (syn)

  7. rotten

  8. very soft (q)

  9. can, tin

  10. made of tin, tinnen

  11. to let, to allow

  12. to give, to pay

  13. (ux)

  14. to shut

  15. to open

  16. field drag

  17. slat, lath, board

  18. {{quote-book|gl|year=1438|editor=X. Ferro Couselo|title=A vida e a fala dos devanceiros|location=Vigo|publisher=Galaxia|page=172

  19. beam

  20. {{quote-text|gl|year=1339|author=Graña Cid|editor=M. Mar|title=Las órdenes mendicantes en el obispado de Mondoñedo. El convento de san Martín de Villaoriente (1374-1500)|page=127

  21. beam or pole of the plough

  22. tin

  23. a container made of tin; can

  24. (gl-verb form of)

  25. (romanization of)

  26. to (l),

  27. to move slowly with the abdomen close to the ground.

  28. of plants, to grow across a surface rather than upwards.

  29. (l), (l), (l)

  30. range of tide.

  31. lath

  32. slat

  33. louver(-board) (gloss)

  34. hoop

  35. (adj form of)

  36. (inflection of)

  37. lath

  38. (infl of)

  39. (alternative form of)

  40. to release, let go

  41. to put, place

  42. to leave

  43. to over

  44. post, pole, stake

  45. years (gl)

  46. can, tin (qualifier)

  47. tin, tin-plate (gloss)

  48. cheek, nerve

  49. (pt-verb form of)

  50. metal

  51. thirst

  52. can; tin

  53. to fetch

  54. can, tin, can, canister (gloss)

  55. plate, sheet of metal

  56. annoyance, nuisance, drag (gloss)

  57. pity

  58. chat

  59. (es-verb form of)

  60. (non-gloss definition).

  61. can; can

  62. tin (gl)

  63. can of kerosene

  64. made of tin

  65. softness; tenderness (gl)

  66. (ant)

  67. weakness; flabbiness; lack of firmness

  68. to squash, to suppress

  69. ladder; step stairs