
suomi-englanti sanakirja

langur englannista suomeksi

  1. langur

  1. Substantiivi

  2. languri Trachypithecus, sureli Presbytis, hanumaani Semnopithecus

  3. hulokki

langur englanniksi

  1. Any of the World monkeys of the subfamily (taxfmt), in the genera (taxfmt), (taxfmt) (lutungs), (taxfmt) (surilis), and (taxfmt) (langurs).

  2. A gibbon of the genus (taxfmt).

  3. long

  4. long (of distance or time or the length of an object)

  5. tall

  6. ''only used in set phrases''

  7. languor (weakness due to illness)

  8. (quote-book)|translation=the pain and the anguish that he hasand how his is lying in languor|page=222|edition=Champion Classiques|isbn=2-7453-0520-4|lines=2920–1

  9. (l)