
suomi-englanti sanakirja

kuu englanniksi

  1. satellite

  2. Moon, moon

  1. moon

  2. A large luminous body seen from the Earth at night.

  3. (uxi)

  4. A natural satellite of any planet.

  5. (syn)

  6. month

  7. A period of 28 to 31 days, one twelfth of a year.

  8. Any period of about 30 days.

  9. (Latn-def)

  10. the moon (gloss)

  11. moon, satellite (gloss)

  12. month (q)

  13. (ux)

  14. fat, fat, tallow, especially reindeer fat

  15. (fi-phonetic alphabet)

  16. six

  17. (RQ:izh:Lukukirja-1:1936)

  18. (ja-romanization of)

  19. water

  20. moon

  21. owl

  22. great; main; chief