knock up

suomi-englanti sanakirja

knock up englannista suomeksi

  1. panna paksuksi

  1. Verbi

  2. panna paksuksi

knock up englanniksi

  1. To together, fabricate, or assemble, particularly if done hastily or temporarily. See also (m). (defdate)

  2. (ux)

  3. To awaken (someone) as by knocking at the door; rouse; call; summon; also, to go door-to-door on election day to persuade a candidate's supporters to go to the polling station and vote. See also (m). (defdate)

  4. (RQ:Melville Moby-Dick)

  5. {{quote-text|en|year=1892|author=Arthur Conan Doyle|title=The Adventure of the Speckled Band|section=Adventure of the Speckled Band|page 1

  6. {{quote-book|en|year=1966|author=Ngaio Marsh|title=Death at the Dolphin|pageurl=|page=160

  7. To exhaust; out; out; to fatigue until unable to do more. (defdate)

  8. {{quote-book|en|year=1835|author=Charlotte Brontë|title=Villette

  9. {{quote-book|en|year=1861|author=John Petherick|title=Egypt, the Soudan and Central Africa|pageurl=|page=389

  10. To become exhausted or worn out; to fail of strength; to become wearied, as with labor; to out. (defdate)

  11. {{quote-book|en|year=1856|author=Thomas de Quincey|title=Memorials|pageurl=|page=81

  12. 1907, (w), ''The Longest Journey'', Part I, VII ed., p. 87:

  13. I met one of your dons at tea, and he said that your degree was not in the least a proof of your abilities: he said that you knocked up and got flurried in examinations.
  14. To impregnate, especially out of wedlock. See up. (defdate)

  15. {{quote-book|en|year=2015|author=Jaime Loren|title=Waiting for April|publisher=Pan|isbn=9781760300081

  16. To gently hit the ball back and forth before a tennis match, as practice or warm-up, and to gauge the state of the playing surface, lighting, etc. See knock-up. (defdate)

  17. The Tennis & Rackets Association - Tournament Rules

  18. (quote)
  19. To make even at the edges, or to shape into book form.