
suomi-englanti sanakirja

kire englanniksi

  1. (noun form of)

  2. (inflection of)

  3. (ux)

  4. (ja-romanization of)

  5. choice, preference

  6. Þe wælwillendæ Scyppend let hyre habban hire a3ene cyres 3eweald. — ''Homilies in MS Bodley''

  7. chosen, the elite

  8. Ghe knew wel ðe faderes kire. — ''Genesis and Exodus''

  9. custom; customary

  10. ''Bigamie is unkinde ðing, On engleis tale, twie-wifing; for ai was rigt and kire bi-forn, On man, on wif, til he was boren.'' — ''Genesis and Exodus''

  11. will

  12. ''God heo geworhte wlitigum englen gecynde & let hi habben agenne cyre.'' — ''Early English Homilies''

  13. decision, selection

  14. ''Þa heo hæfden..icoren Conan, þa lep mi fader up..& wið-seide þene cure.'' — ''Layamon's Brut''