
suomi-englanti sanakirja

katzenjammer englannista suomeksi

  1. melske

  2. kankkunen

  1. Substantiivi

katzenjammer englanniksi

  1. A hangover.

  2. (RQ:London John Barleycorn)

  3. (quote-book)|year=1936|oclc=459562537|location2=New York, N.Y.|publisher2=Grove Press|year2=1963|page2=229|pageurl2=https://archive.org/stream/blackspring00millpage/229/mode/1up|isbn2=978-0-8021-3182-9|passage=In those days a still-birth brought as high as ten dollars and after riding the shoot-the-chutes we always left a little stale beer for the morning because the finest thing in the world for Katzenjammer is a glass of stale beer.

  4. Jitters; discord; confusion.

  5. (RQ:Henry Roads of Destiny)

  6. Depression.