
suomi-englanti sanakirja

karaoke englannista suomeksi

  1. karaoke

  1. Substantiivi

  2. karaoke

  3. Verbi

  4. laulaa karaokea">laulaa karaokea

karaoke englanniksi

  1. A form of entertainment popular in clubs, at parties, etc, in which individual members of the public sing along to pre-recorded versions of popular songs, the lyrics of which are displayed for the singer on a screen in time with the music.

  2. {{quote-journal

  3. {{quote-av

  4. {{quote-book

  5. A karaoke session.

  6. A karaoke parlour.

  7. (syn)

  8. An exercise in which the feet are alternately placed in front of each other while walking sideways to stretch various parts of the body and core.

  9. to perform karaoke

  10. (l)

  11. bar

  12. (l) (gloss)

  13. in a karaoke manner

  14. (ux)

  15. {{quote-newsgroup

  16. karaoke (gloss)

  17. (coi)

  18. (l): a form of entertainment popular in clubs, at parties, etc, in which individual members of the public sing along to pre-recorded versions of popular songs, the lyrics of which are displayed for the singer on a screen in time with the music.

  19. A karaoke session.

  20. (ja-romanization of)

  21. (l) (gl)

  22. (l) pub

  23. (alternative form of)

  24. (standard spelling of)

  25. machine

  26. fellatio

  27. karaoke