
suomi-englanti sanakirja

kanon englanniksi

  1. (synonym of) (qual)

  2. cannon (gloss)

  3. canon (gloss)

  4. (l) (qualifier)

  5. (eo-form of)

  6. tax for inherited land lease.

  7. (l):

  8. a piece of music in which the same melody is played by different voices, but beginning at different times; a round.

  9. religious law.

  10. the works of a writer that have been accepted as authentic.

  11. cannon: a weapon.

  12. (alt form)

  13. cannon

  14. canon (gloss)

  15. canon

  16. canon (gl)

  17. canon (gl)

  18. (w)

  19. of the Mass

  20. cannon, gun; a weapon ''(inf. 1)''

  21. very good

  22. super, great

  23. (syn)