
suomi-englanti sanakirja

kalla englanniksi

  1. slander, calumny

  2. to fry

  3. Zantedeschia, lily, lily (gloss)

  4. (noun form of)

  5. to call

  6. lily, lily, (vern), (taxfmt)

  7. to call, name, refer to

  8. (usex)

  9. to call, to shout

  10. 1928, (w) (“Raven Song”, on Icelandic Wikisource) by Jón Ásgeirsson

  11. {{quote|is|''Krummi krunkar úti,''''kallar á nafna sinn:''''„Ég fann höfuð af hrúti''''hrygg og gæruskinn.“''''Komdu nú og kroppaðu með mér,''''krummi nafni minn.''
  12. sloping

  13. calla

  14. to call (to name or refer to)

  15. call (to cry or shout)

  16. (infl of)

  17. to call, name, refer to (as)

  18. to call, shout

  19. to call, name

  20. to summon, for

  21. to call, denote, refer to; to give as a name

  22. to call, request, beckon, summon

  23. (adj form of)