
suomi-englanti sanakirja

janissary englannista suomeksi

  1. tukija

  1. Substantiivi

  2. janitsaari

janissary englanniksi

  1. Janissary

  1. An infantry soldier, often of European Christian background from the Balkans as well as Eastern Europe and forcibly converted to Islam, in a former elite Turkish (Ottoman) guard (disbanded in 1826); any Turkish soldier, particularly one escorting a traveller.

  2. (RQ:Marlowe Tamburlaine)

  3. (quote-book)

  4. (quote-book), printers to the (w); and J. Shuckburgh, at the Sun, near the Temple Gate, in Fleet-street|year=1743|section=part I (Contains Observations and Remarks on the Advantageous Situation, Extent, Strength and Government, of the Othoman Empire; which are Preceded with a Brief Account of the Origin, Progress, and Present State of It, &c.)|page=44|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=nVfqtJrhYdAC&pg=PA44|oclc=728288564|passage=When a new Prince accedes to the Throne, it is cuſtomary to give each Janiſary 25 Dollars Gratification-money; and Six Deniers ''per'' Day Augmentation of Pay: Provided what he actually has do not exceed Six Solds. If a Janiſary marries, he muſt expect no Promotion; but after he has already reached the Rank of a Captain, he may then marry, and it will be no Obſtacle to his future Advancement. If a Janiſary is detected of any Fault, they carry him before the Aga, who chaſtiſes him, or orders him to be chaſtiſed by his Odo Bachi. Sometimes, according to the Offence, they baniſh them; but if a Janiſary’s Crime merits Death, they ſtrangle him in the Night-time, and caſt his Body into the Sea.

  5. (quote-book)|title=Federalist Papers|The Federalist: A Collection of Essays, Written in Favour of the New Constitution, as Agreed upon by the Federal Convention, September 17, 1787. In Two Volumes|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=Printed and sold by J. and A. M'Lean, No. 41, Square (Manhattan)|Hanover-Square|date=11 March 1788|oclc=642792893|newversion=republished as|chapter2=No. 67|Number LXVII. By Mr. Hamilton. Concerning the Constitution of the President; a Gross Attempt to Misrepresent this Part of the Plan Detected.|title2=The Federalist, on the New Constitution; Written in 1788|edition2=new (2nd)|location2=Philadelphia, Pa.|publisher2=Published by Benjamin Warner, No. 147, Street (Philadelphia)|Market Street; William Greer, printer, Harrisburg|year2=1817|oclc2=5057205|page2=363|pageurl2=https://archive.org/stream/federalistonnewc1817hamipage/363/mode/1up/|passage=The writers against the constitution, seem to have taken pains to signalize their talent at misrepresentation. (..) The authorities of a magistrate, in few instances greater, in some instances less, than those of a governor of New York, have been magnified into more than royal prerogatives. (..) We have been taught to tremble at the terrific visages of murdering janisaries; and to blush at the unveiled mysteries of a future seraglio.

  6. (quote-book) was divided into three semi-independent parts: the northern enclosure contained the barracks of the Janissaries (the main corps in the Ottoman army); the lower areas in the west became the residence of the al-‘Azab (the locally recruited troops); and the southern section of the southern enclosure was occupied by the pasha sent from Istanbul and his troops.

  7. An elite, highly loyal supporter.

  8. (quote-book)|chapter=Period VI. Containing the Testimony through the Continued Tract of the Present Deformation, from the Year 1660 to this Day.|title=A Hind Let Loose: Or, An Historical Representation of the Testimonies of the Church of Scotland, for the Interest of Christ; with the True State thereof in All Its Periods: ...|location=Edinburgh|publisher=Reprinted by R. Drummond and Company, and sold by William Gray bookbinder in the (w), and several others, &c.|year=1744|pages=167–168|pageurl=https://archive.org/stream/hindletlooseo0shiepage/n169/mode/1up/|oclc=723488025|passage=Here is a Proclamation for a Prince: that proclaims him in whoſe name it is emitted &91;(w)&93;, to be the greateſt Tyrant that ever lived in the world, and their Revolt who have diſowned him to be the juſteſt that ever was. For herein that Monſter of ''Prerogative'' is (..) advanced (..) to claim ''abſolute obedience, without reſerve'' of Conſcience, Religion, Honour, or Reaſon; not only that which ignorantly is called ''Paſſive'', never to reſiſt him, not only on any ''Pretence'', but for any ''Cauſe'', even tho' he ſhould command his Popiſh ''Janizaries'' to murder and maſſacre all ''Proteſtants'', which is the tender mercy and burning fervent charity of ''Papiſts''; (..)

  9. (quote-book): A Political Biography|location=London|publisher=& Robinson|Archibald Constable and Co.|year=1905|oclc=27844409|title2=Lord George Bentinck: A Political Biography|series2=The Library of Conservative Thought|location2=New Brunswick, N.J.|publisher2=Transaction Publishers|year2=1997|page2=170|pageurl2=https://books.google.com/books?id=VIXwh24_qcEC&pg=PA170|isbn2=978-1-56000-947-4|passage=The debate must be maintained until the third reading of the corn bill had been agreed to by the house of lords. What a situation! (..) Power, place, patronage might reward those who upheld the minister; they might even at this conjuncture become ‘janissaries’ without ever having been ‘renegades’.