
suomi-englanti sanakirja

intermediate englannista suomeksi

  1. välittää

  2. väli-, välillä oleva, intermediaarinen

  3. keskitasoinen

  4. intermediaatti

  1. väli- in compounds, keskitason

  2. Substantiivi

  3. välittäjä

  4. välittäjä, välikäsi

  5. välituote

  6. Verbi

  7. välittää

intermediate englanniksi

  1. Being between two extremes, or in the middle of a range.

  2. (syn)

  3. (RQ:Cleland Fanny Hill)

  4. (quote-journal)

  5. {{quote-journal|en|date=2013-08-03|volume=408|issue=8847|magazine=The Economist

  6. Anything in an intermediate position.

  7. An intermediary.

  8. An automobile that is larger than a compact but smaller than a full-sized car.

  9. Any substance formed as part of a series of chemical reactions that is not the end-product.

  10. Any such substance that is produced and sold to commercial customers (business-to-business sales) as an input to other chemical processes.

  11. To mediate, to be an intermediate.

  12. To arrange, in the manner of a broker.

  13. ''Central banks need to regulate the entities that intermediate monetary transactions.''

  14. (es-verb form of)