
suomi-englanti sanakirja

innan englanniksi

  1. (inflection of); (gloss) their mother.

  2. inside

  3. before

  4. inside, on the inside, within

  5. before, within

  6. (usex)

  7. inside, within

  8. within

  9. from within, from an internal part

  10. internally, within

  11. within

  12. inside

  13. indoors

  14. before (earlier than in time)

  15. before (earlier than in time)

  16. (quote-journal)

  17. before

  18. (ux)

  19. on the inside, inner

  20. (ant)

    (coi)|inner thigh

    (coi)|interior, inside, bowels

    (coi)|interior, innards, guts