
suomi-englanti sanakirja

indolence englannista suomeksi

  1. saamattomuus

  1. Substantiivi

  2. laiskuus

  3. indolenssi, kivuttomuus

indolence englanniksi

  1. Habitual laziness or sloth.

  2. (synonyms)


  3. (RQ:Tatler) This is the particular use I make of a set of heavy honest men, with whom I have passed many hours with much indolence, though not with great pleasure. Their conversation is a kind of preparative for sleep: (..)

  4. (RQ:Gibbon Roman Empire)

  5. (RQ:Boswell Johnson)&93; ſeemed to learn by intuition; for though indolence and procraſtination vvere inherent in his conſtitution, vvhenever he made an exertion he did more than any one elſe.

  6. (RQ:Austen Mansfield Park)

  7. (RQ:Carlyle John Sterling)&93; Nature had given, in high measure, the seeds of a noble endowment; (..) but imbedded in such weak laxity of character, in such indolences and esuriences as had made strange work with it.

  8. (RQ:Froude England)

  9. (RQ:Mill Government)

  10. (quote-journal)

  11. (RQ:White Sign at Six)

  12. Lack of pain in a tumour.

  13. A state in which one feels no pain or is indifferent to it; a lack of any feeling.

  14. (RQ:Plutarch Holland Morals) Clemencie & Mildneſſe, betvveene ſenſeleſſe Indolence and Crueltie: (..)

  15. A state of repose in which neither pain nor pleasure is experienced.

  16. (RQ:Stanley History of Philosophy)|chapter=IV|chaptername=His Institution of a Sect|subsection=section 2 (Of the End, or Chief Good)|page=4A|passage=''Indolence'', vvhich ''Epicure'' held, they eſteem not pleaſure, nor vvant of pleaſure, griefe, for both theſe conſiſt in motion; but Indolence and vvant of pleaſure conſiſts not in motion, for Indolence is like the ſtate of a ſleeping man.

  17. insensibility, lack of pain

  18. laziness, (l)