
suomi-englanti sanakirja

harmonia englanniksi

  1. harmoniousness, harmony

  2. accord

  3. harmonics

  4. peace

  5. keeping

  6. agreement

  1. A harmonic mode in ancient Greek music, characterized by a particular set of chords and rhythmic patterns.

  2. (quote-book)concerning the ancient Greek harmoniai, or modes, in the diatonic genus.(..)degree signify the harmonia in which it appears and what degree it represents; for instance, “D-2” means that this ratio—11/10—is the second degree (ascending) in the Dorian harmonia.

  3. (quote-journal), (frac), (frac), and (frac).(..)while the various diatonic harmoniai are modes of each other, this is not true of the other two genera, which are uniquely derived from their corresponding diatonic forms.

  4. (quote-book)

  5. harmony

  6. harmonious

  7. (infl of)

  8. harmony, concordance of sounds

  9. music, singing, song

  10. peace, concord

  11. consonance

  12. concertina

  13. accordion

  14. (syn)

  15. harmony; agreement; accord

  16. harmony (pleasing arrangement of sounds)

  17. (ant)