
suomi-englanti sanakirja

habitual englannista suomeksi

  1. tavallinen

  1. tavanomainen

  2. tavallinen, tavanomainen

  3. tapa / tapa-, tavanomainen

  4. Substantiivi

habitual englanniksi

  1. Of or relating to a habit; established as a habit; performed over and over again; recurrent, recurring.

  2. (ux)

  3. (quote-book) Translated into English(nb...), and Lately Conferred with the Last and Best Latine Edition(nb...)|location=London|publisher=Imprinted by H. L. and are to be sold by Arthur Iohnson,(nb...)|year=1617|section=3rd part (Of Mans Thankefulnes), section 4 (What are the Causes of Conuersion)|page=861|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=5nE9AQAAMAAJ&pg=PA861|oclc=54203254|passage=(w) attributeth preparation vnto free-vvill, but not conuerſion. Now this preparation hee thus coloureth, that it is indeed ''a furtherance to the habituall grace of cõuersion, but yet through the free aſsiſtance of God mouing vs inwardly''.

  4. (RQ:Donne Devotions)

  5. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=Printed by Robert White for Thomas Underhil and Francis Tyton,(nb...)|year=1655|page=421|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=vPM7AQAAMAAJ&pg=RA3-PA421|oclc=896147378|passage=There is an actual Grace removing the Power of ſin, before habitual or ſanctifying Grace, the Spirit in Christianity|Holy Spirit doing it immediately by an omnipotent act, by that which is called actuating moving Grace; Chriſt can and muſt firſt bind the ſtrong man and caſt him out by this working or actual Grace, before he dwels in the houſe of mans heart by habitual and ſanctifying Grace: ...

  6. (quote-book)|chapter=Sect. XIV. Of Diseases Relating to the Lungs and Organs of Respiration.|title=Etmullerus Abridg’d: Or, A Compleat System of the Theory and Practice of Physic. (...) Translated from the Last Edition of the Works(nb...)|edition=2nd corrected and much improved|location=London|publisher=Printed for Andrew Bell(nb...), and Richard Wellington,(nb...)|year=1703|section=1st book, chapter II (Of Inspiration Deprav’d, or Difficult Breathing), article III (Of the Night Mare)|page=144|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=1jlfAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA144|oclc=1102939417|passage=The Night-Mare is either Accidental or Habitual. ... The Habitual is occaſioned by ſome Acid Lymph that diſorders the Spirits and Creates a Paralytic or Convulſive Diſpoſition of the Nerves of the Middriff and Muſcles of the Breast; which by conſent Cramp thoſe of the Wind-Pipe, whoſe Contraction raiſes a ſenſe of ſtrangling, and aboliſhes the power of an Articulate Voice.

  7. (quote-book); and J. Mathews,(nb...)|year=1774|page=11|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=qwNeAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA11|oclc=723467285|passage=But by a long and habitual courſe of giving way to evil tempers, and indulging ſinful paſſions, a perſon may be ſo blinded thereby as not to ſee the evil thereof, and ſo hardened therein as not to feel the bad effects of them.

  8. (quote-book)|year2=December 1796|volume2=LVIII (volume III, New Series)|page2=832|pageurl2=https://books.google.com/books?id=g14AAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA832|column2=1|oclc2=810532611|passage=The nation, which indulges towards another an habitual hatred, or an habitual fondneſs, is in ſome degree a ſlave: it is a ſlave to its authority or its affection, either of which is ſufficient to lead it aſtray from its duty and its intereſt.

  9. (RQ:Crawfurd Indian Archipelago)

  10. (RQ:Cooper Deerslayer)

  11. (quote-book)

  12. Regular or usual.

  13. (synonyms)

  14. (quote-book)|year=1653|page=83|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=lv8CAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA83|oclc=228722045|passage=Our ''hearts'' are ſaid ''to be purified by faith''; ''of the Apostles|Acts'' 15. 9. not our lives onely in the acts of holineſſe and purity, but our heart in the habituall frame of them.

  15. (quote-book)|location=Gravenhagh Hague|publisher=By John Ramzey|year=1658|page=54|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=geoCAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA54|oclc=54297651|passage=Now he &91;(w)&93; was deprived, and had no more to doe with the Bishoprick of London, then with the Bishoprick of ''Conſtantinople'', he had the habituall power of the Keies, but had no flock to exercise it upon.

  16. (RQ:Eliot Daniel Deronda)

  17. Of a person or thing: engaging in some behaviour as a habit or regularly.

  18. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=Printed by E. Tyler, for John Starkey,(nb...)|year=1658|page=95|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=LvwqAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA95|oclc=950943790|passage=No drunkard (''i.e.'') no Habituall, Impenitent drunkard, ſhall come into Gods Kingdome.

  19. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=Printed for Sherwood, Neely and Jones,(nb...)|year=a. 1806|year_published=1810|page=123|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=TL1JAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA123|oclc=613208334|passage=The habitual drunkard, the habitual fornicator, the habitual cheat must be converted. The breaking off a habit, especially when we had placed much of our gratification in it, is alone so great a thing, and such a step in our Christian life, as to merit the name of conversion.

  20. (RQ:Stowe Uncle Tom's Cabin)

  21. (quote-journal)

  22. (senseid) Pertaining to an action performed customarily, ordinarily, or usually.

  23. (syn)

  24. One who does something habitually, such as a serial criminal offender.

  25. (quote-book)|series=New York State Senate|seriesvolume=1870, no. 21|location=Albany, N.Y.|publisher=The Argus Company, printers|date=20 January 1870|page=433|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=OtwJAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA433|oclc=78760099|passage=It has been suggested that we should classify prisoners as casuals and habituals. If a casual is to be distinguished from an habitual simply by the length of his sentence, this classification would hardly answer.

  26. A construction representing something done habitually.

  27. (quote-book) or (underline) (‘He shouted (underline)’), or it may be part of the meaning of the verb (‘The bird (underline) its wings’).

  28. (l); usual

  29. (l)

  30. common

  31. (l) (gloss)

  32. usual

  33. beans