
suomi-englanti sanakirja

habeo englanniksi

  1. to have, hold

  2. (syn)

    (uxi) (l) (l) habeant (l)|t=I hope that they may always have peace

    ''O di immortales, ubinam gentium sumus? Quam rem publicam habemus? In qua urbe vivimus?.''

    : O ye immortal gods, where on earth are we? What is the government we have? In what city are we living?

  3. to own, have (gloss)

  4. to possess, have (gloss)

  5. (uxi) (l) habet.|t=He is twenty years old.

  6. Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria 6.3.73

  7. ''triginta ... annos habere''
    : to be thirty years old
  8. Sallust, Bellum Catalinae

  9. Nam divitiarum et formae gloria fluxa atque fragilis est, virtus clara aeternaque habetur.
    : For the glory of wealth and beauty is fleeting and perishable; that of the mind is illustrious and possessed forever.
  10. to retain, maintain

  11. to conduct, preside over

  12. to regard, consider or account a person or thing as something

  13. (Q) (l)|t=They considered themselves being expelled

  14. (uxi)

  15. to accept, bear, endure

  16. to affect, trouble (someone)

  17. (Q)

  18. to have

  19. (quote-text)hoc quasi stagnum pernavigemus nam satis habeo deliberatum, sicut adhibendam in consciptione diligentiam(..)

  20. to want; will, shall, should

  21. would

  22. to to; to be compelled

  23. be