grace note

suomi-englanti sanakirja

grace note englannista suomeksi

  1. etuhele

  1. Substantiivi

  2. korunuotti, helenuotti

  3. sivujuonne

grace note englanniksi

  1. A musical note, indicated on a score in smaller type with or without a slash through it, played to ornament the melody rather than as part of it. Its value does not count as part of the total time value of the measure it appears in.

  2. (synonyms)

  3. (quote-book)|year=1821|page=30|pageurl=|oclc=752858228|passage=There is a manner of gracing the notes or accents in reading, as in singing, but which is always at pleasure. This grace note in music is called ''appoggiatura'', that is, ''supporter'', ''insinuator''. As the quantities of these little notes in music are always taken out of the next note that follows, so it is in speech. Instead of a plain acute accent, thus /, we may use, which corresponds exactly with the small musical grace note, a little circumflex grave-accute, thus &9117;; or acute-grave, thus &9118;; ...

  4. (quote-book)|location=Boston, Mass.|publisher=Published by Ditson|Oliver Ditson & Company,(nb...)|year=1851|page=21|pageurl=|column=1|oclc=1038088701|passage=Grace notes, as their name shows, though not absolutely essential to melody, are employed as embellishments, and also prevent too great uniformity. There are several kinds; the small note, or Appoggiatura, the Trill, and the Turn. An Appoggiatura is a grace note placed above or below a principal note, and is generally half the value of that note; there are instances, however, when its value is greater. ... A ''Turn'' is composed of three grace notes placed before or after a principal note.

  5. (quote-book),(nb...); C. C. Clapp & Co.,(nb...); New York, N.Y.: J. E. Gould & Co.|year=1852|page=136|pageurl=|oclc=64077548|passage=Most of these embellishments are played very quickly, in order that the note, before which they are placed, and to which they are added as grace notes, may lose but little of its value. It is often difficult to guess from which note (whether the preceding or succeeding) the time requisite for the execution of the grace note is to be taken.

  6. (quote-book)

  7. Something that decorates, embellishes, or ornaments; a touch.

  8. (quote-book)&93; touches the grace notes of famous and unknown lives, past and present.