
suomi-englanti sanakirja

gato englanniksi

  1. cake

  2. cat

  3. {{quote-book|gl|year=c. 1295|editor=R. Lorenzo|title=La traducción gallega de la Crónica General y de la Crónica de Castilla|location=Ourense|publisher=I.E.O.P.F|page=528

  4. cake

  5. (syn)

  6. recently

  7. (inflection of), ''which is'' (inflection of)

  8. cat (cat: (taxfmt))

  9. {{quote-book|pt|year=2000|author=J. K. Rowling; Lia Wyler|title=Harry Potter e o Prisioneiro de Azkaban|publisher=Rocco|page=55

  10. feline, felid, cat

  11. one of a number of utensils made of iron or similar material used to fix objects

  12. excess flesh on the upper part of riding animals

  13. very handsome person

  14. an illegal connection to use electricity or watch TV for free

  15. a petty thief

  16. truck driver who rents boias-frias to work on farming

  17. wineskin

  18. error, mistake

  19. lie (gloss)

  20. physically attractive

  21. (uxi)

  22. (pt-verb form of)

  23. cat (gloss)

  24. (hypo)

  25. tomcat, gib (gloss)

  26. servant

  27. C-clamp

  28. jack (mechanical device)

  29. tic-tac-toe

  30. Madrilenian (gloss)

  31. person with blue or green eyes

  32. rectangular cake made of two layers joined by jam in the middle

  33. whoremonger

  34. a prostitute woman

  35. (l) (gloss), a domesticated feline commonly kept as a house pet

  36. (inflection of)

  37. (soft mutation of)