
suomi-englanti sanakirja

frank englannista suomeksi

  1. suora

  2. ilmeinen

  3. lähettää vapaakirjeenä, frankeerata

  4. nakki

  5. frankkeerata

  1. suora

  2. frankeerata

  3. Substantiivi

frank englanniksi

  1. Frank

  1. honest, especially in a manner that seems slightly blunt; candid; not reserved or disguised.

  2. (ux)

  3. unmistakable, clinically obvious, self-evident

  4. Unbounded by restrictions, limitations, etc.; free.

  5. (RQ:Spenser Complaints)

  6. Liberal; generous; profuse.

  7. (RQ:L'Estrange Fables of Aesop)

  8. Unrestrained; loose; licentious.

  9. Free postage, a right exercised by governments (usually with definite article).

  10. October 5, 1780, (w), ''letter to Rev. William Unwin''

  11. I have said so much, that, if I had not a frank, I must burn my letter and begin again.
  12. The notice on an envelope where a stamp would normally be found.

  13. (RQ:Landon Lady Anne Granard)

  14. To place a frank on an envelope.

  15. (RQ:Austen Sense and Sensibility)

  16. To exempt from charge for postage, as a letter, package, or packet, etc.

  17. To send by public conveyance free of expense.

  18. 1850-1859, (w), ''Household Words''

  19. This required extensive correspondence; so, in the next place, the privilege of franking letters in reference to the emigrants' registration office, was obtained—much to the indignation of red tapists.
  20. A dog or sausage.

  21. (syn)

  22. (RQ:Kerouac On the Road)

  23. (quote-av)|actor=Jackie Cooper|role=Perry White|passage=I want the name of this flying whatchamacallit to go with the Daily Planet like bacon and eggs, franks and beans, death and taxes, politics and corruption!

  24. (quote-song)

  25. The heron.

  26. A pigsty.

  27. To shut up in a frank or sty; to pen up; hence, to cram; to fatten.

  28. (RQ:Shakespeare Richard 3)

  29. (obsolete form of), former French coins, of account|moneys of account, and currency.

  30. 1771, :s:EB1|''Encyclopaedia Britannica'', 1st ed., Vol. II, p. 630:

  31. Britannica, First Edition/Frank|F(smallcaps), or F(smallcaps), an ancient coin, either of gold or ſilver, ſtruck and current in France. The value of the gold frank was ſomewhat more than that of the gold crown; the ſilver frank was a third of the gold one; this coin is long out of uſe, though the term is ſtill retained as the name of a of account; in which ſenſe it is equivalent to the livre, or twenty ſols.
  32. franc (gloss)

  33. (l), candid, blunt, open-hearted

  34. cheeky, brazen

  35. franc

  36. Frank (gl)

  37. frank

  38. frank (coin)

  39. franc (gl)

  40. franc (gl)