
suomi-englanti sanakirja

fluffy englannista suomeksi

  1. pörröinen, pöyheä, pehmeä

  1. pöyheä, pehmeä, pörröinen

  2. ilmava, kuohkea

  3. lämpöinen

  4. Substantiivi

fluffy englanniksi

  1. Covered with fluff.

  2. ''Fluffy rabbits are really nice to stroke.''

  3. Light; soft; airy.

  4. ''I like my eggs to be light and fluffy in texture.''

  5. Warm and comforting.

  6. ''Being in love with my boyfriend gives me a fluffy feeling inside.''

  7. Not clearly defined or explained; fuzzy.

  8. {{quote-text|en|year=2008|author=R.Safley|title=Reagan's Game

  9. Lightweight; superficial; lacking depth or seriousness.

  10. (quote-text)

  11. {{quote-newsgroup|en|year=2006|author=Pyromancer|title=Re: The nature of the pagan community|newsgroup=uk.religion.pagan

  12. Someone or something that has a fluffy texture.

  13. A person who is superficial, who lacks depth or seriousness.

  14. (hyponyms)

  15. A babycino (gloss).