
suomi-englanti sanakirja

fairy englannista suomeksi

  1. keijukainen, haltijatar

  2. hinuri

  1. Substantiivi

  2. keiju, keijukainen small with wings; haltija|m, haltijatar|f, human-like

  3. hintti, naismainen mies

fairy englanniksi

  1. The realm of faerie; enchantment, illusion.

  2. A mythical being of human form with magical powers, known in many sizes and descriptions, although often depicted in modern illustrations only as a small sprite with gauze-like wings, especially one that is female. Fairies are revered in some modern forms of paganism.

  3. (quote-book)

  4. An enchantress, or creature of overpowering charm.

  5. An attractive young woman.

  6. (quote-text)|title='Bulldog Drummond'|url=https://www.gutenberg.org/files/49935/49935-h/49935-h.html

  7. {{quote-text|en|year=1942|author=Dennis Wheatley|title='Gunmen, Gallants and Ghosts' |url=https://archive.org/details/gunmengallantsgh0000whea/page/38/mode/2up?q=fairy

  8. A male homosexual, especially one who is effeminate.

  9. {{quote-text|en|year=1933|author=Nathanael West|title='Miss Lonelyhearts' : Lonelyhearts is male.

  10. (RQ:Kerouac On the Road)

  11. (quote-book): How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the '90s|publisher=Doubleday Books|page=20|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/afterballhowamer00kirkrich/page/20/mode/1up|text=Wimpy names—e.g., Cecil, Clarence, and Wendell—also seem to carry homosexual overtones, because we all know that fairies are meek and wimpy, just as we know that all wimps are ‘fags’ in one sense or the other.

  12. A member of two species of hummingbird in the genus (taxfmt).

  13. A legendary Chinese immortal.

  14. (synonyms)

  15. Like a fairy; fanciful, whimsical, delicate.

  16. (RQ:Landon Romance)….—a large cashmere shawl, with its border of roses, thrown carelessly on a chair—a crimson cushion, where lay sleeping a Blenheim dog, almost small enough to have passed through the royal ring in that most fairy tale of the White Cat:—all bespoke a lady's room.

  17. liquid, soap

  18. (syn)

  19. {{quote-journal|es|date=2022-01-23|work=OkDiario|author=Janire Manzanas

  20. {{quote-journal|es|date=2019-03-05|work=El Plural|author=