
suomi-englanti sanakirja

essere englanniksi

  1. ask

  2. (RQ:aa:Qhuraan)

  3. visit

  4. to have (done something); to be in the state of having (done something); ''See verbs taking essere as auxiliary|Category:Italian verbs taking essere as auxiliary.''

  5. (ux)

  6. to have (done something to oneself/oneselves); to be in the state of having (done something to oneself/oneselves); ''See reflexive verbs|Category:Italian reflexive verbs.''

  7. (uxi)

  8. to be (done something); to be in the state of being (done something); ''See transitive verbs|Category:Italian transitive verbs.''

  9. to be, to exist (q)

  10. (syn)

  11. (quote-book))|trans-title=(w)|genre=(w), (w)|year=2008|url=,3|origyear=c. 600 (BC)|volume=(w) ''(w)''|line=3|text=Dio disse: «Sia la luce!». E la luce fu.|t=God said: «Let there be light», and the light was.

  12. (quote-book), (w)|year=1314 (volume), 1321 (full book)|volume=Commedia/Inferno|Inferno ''hell''|lines=7–8|text=Dinanzi a me non fuor cose create / se non etterne, |t=Before me existed not created things / if not eternal, |lit=Before me there weren’t created things / if not eternal,

  13. (quote-book)|year=1316 (volume), 1321 (full book)|volume=Commedia/Purgatorio|Purgatorio ''Purgatory''|line=97|text=Le leggi ci son, ma chi pon mano ad esse?|t=The laws exist, but who put its hand on them?|lit=The laws are there, but who put its hand on them?

  14. (quote-book), (w)|year=1840|page=promessi sposi (1840).djvu/40|34|text= “E poi c’è degli imbrogli” / “Degl’imbrogli? Che imbrogli ci può essere?” |t= “And then there are some entanglements” / “Some entanglements? What entanglements may exist?” |lit= “And then there is some cheats” / “Some cheats? What cheats may there be?”

  15. to be (present)

  16. (quote-book)

  17. (quote-book)|trans-title=(w)|genre=(w)|year=1600–1602|section=atto III, scena V|trans-section=act III, scene V|line=1|text=Essere, o non essere, questo è il dilemma: |t=To be, or not to be, that is the problem:

  18. (quote-book)|trans-title=(w)|genre=collection of (w) (w)s and (w)s|year=14–19 May 1835|page=Giacomo – Operette morali, 1928 – BEIC 1857808.djvu/72|66|text= Ma se tu vuoi, prolungando la vita, giovare agli uomini veramente; trova un’arte per la quale sieno moltiplicate di numero e di gagliardia le sensazioni e le azioni loro. |t= But if you want, prolonging life, to benefit men; find an art in which their sensations and actions are multiplied by number and vigor. |lit= But if you want, prolonging life, to benefit men; find an art in which are multiplied by number and vigor, sensations and actions of them.

  19. (quote-book), (w)|year=1840|page=promessi sposi (1840).djvu/257|251|text= Spesso, in simili circostanze, l’annunzio d’una cosa la fa essere presente. |t= Often, in similar circumstances, the announcement of a thing makes it present. |lit= Often, in similar circumstances, the announcement of a thing makes it to be present.

  20. to be true

  21. to be

  22. (uxi) (q)

  23. to exist

  24. (quote-book) ''(w)''|chapter=Commedia/Inferno/Canto III|III|title=Divina Commedia|trans-title=Divine Commedy|genre=allegorical-didactic (w), (w)|year=1314 (volume), 1321 (full book)|volume=Inferno ''Hell''|lines=49–51|text= Fama di loro il mondo esser non lassa; / misericordia e giustizia li sdegna: / non ragioniam di lor, ma guarda e passa.” |t= Fame of them the world does not let exist; / mercy and justice disdains them: / do not reason about them, but look and pass.” |lit= Fame of them the world does not allow to be; / mercy and justice disdains them: / do not reason about them, but look and pass.”

  25. to be, to consist, to stay, to lay

  26. to live

  27. (quote-book) or (w)|trans-title=(w)|genre=collection of (w)s|year=1350–1353|section=quinta/Novella nona|Novella nona novella|page=- Decameron I.djvu/399|395|text= Dovete adunque sapere che Coppo di Borghese Domenichi, il quale fu nella nostra cittá, e forse è ancora, uomo di grande e di reverenda autoritá ne’ di nostri, |t= You must therefore know that Coppo di Borghese Domenichi, who lived in our city, and maybe still lives there, was, and maybe still is, a man of great and reverend authority in our days |lit= You must therefore know that Coppo di Borghese Domenichi, who was in our city, and maybe still is, a man of great and reverend authority in of our

  28. (quote-book), (w)|year=1821|line=1|page=varie (Manzoni).djvu/695|689|text=Ei fu. |t=(w) lived. |lit=He was.

  29. to have life, to have origin

  30. (quote-book)|trans-title=(w)|genre=(w)|year=1808|lines=238–240|page=Sepolcri (Bettoni 1808).djvu/24|12|text=, ed a Giove diè Dárdano figlio / Onde fur Troja e Assáraco e i cinquanta / Talami e il regno della Giulia gente. |t=, and to Jove gave Dardanus his son / Where Troy and Assaracus were born and the fifty / Marriage beds and the kingdom of the Julia people. |lit=, and to Jove gave Dardanus his son / Where Troy and Assaracus were and the fifty / Thalamuses and the kingdom of the Julia people.

  31. to occur, to happen, to take place

  32. (quote-book), (w)|year=1516|section=1|lines=2–4|text=..., l’audaci imprese io canto, / che furo al tempo che passaro i Mori / d’Africa il mare, |t=, I sing the audacious enterprises, / which happened at the time the Moors / of Africa passed the sea, |lit=, the audacious enterpsrises I sing, / which were at the time the Moors / of Africa passed the sea,

  33. (quote-book)|year=1911|section=colloqui/Cocotte|Cocotte|lines=27–29|text= Non amo che le cose / che potevano essere e non sono / state…. |t= I do not like the things that / could happen but which did not / happened…. |lit= I do not like that the things that / could be and did not / been….

  34. to be in/at a place; to be in a particular place/position compared to someone/something else

  35. , or a locative adverb or phrase to be in/at a place, to come to a place; to be in/at a particular place/position compared to someone/something else, to come to a particular place/position compared to someone/something else

  36. to be (q)

  37. '' or a possessive adjective or pronoun to be (of)

  38. (quote-book), (w)|year=1314 (volume), 1321 (full book)|volume=Inferno ''Hell''|lines=16–18|text= E io, che del color mi fui accorto, / dissi: “Come verrò, se tu paventi / che suoli al mio dubbiare esser conforto?”. |t= And I, who has noticed the colo(u)r / I said: “How will I come, if you fear / that I have the habit to doubt be (of) comfort?”. |lit= And I, who myself has noticed of the colo(u)r / I said: “How will I come, if you fear / that I have the habit to doubt be comfort?”.

  39. + ''verb to be (to do something)

  40. '' to be (from)

  41. (quote-book), (w)|year=1321 (volume and full book)|volume=Paradiso ''Paradise''|line=139|text= Ma non eran da ciò le proprie penne: |t= But their own pens were not from these |lit= But their own feathers were not from these

  42. ''|by extension of the figurative use of the meaning 16|also|figurative to be (in)

  43. ''|also|figurative to be (in)

  44. + ''verb|also|figurative to able to (do something)

  45. ''|also|figurative to be (at)

  46. to have

  47. (quote-book) or (w)|trans-title=(w)|genre=collection of (w)s|year=1350–1353|section=prima/Introduzione|Introduzione Introduction|page=- Decameron I.djvu/24|20|

  48. ''|calque of the French use to be (given) to

  49. ''|also|figurative to be for

  50. + infinitive''|used to express a continous event which is near in the future|also|figurative to be (almost) (q); to be going to (q)

  51. (quote-book)|trans-title=(w)|genre=(w) collection|year=1835|page=(Leopardi - Donati).djvu/63|53|text= Ma sei tu per lasciarmi un’altra volta? |t= Are you going to leave me another time? |lit= But are you to leave me another time?

  52. , or the prepositional use of the adverb ''(l)'', or of the adverbal phrase ''(l)'' to be with/against; to be on/over; to be between/among

  53. to be; to have

  54. being, living

  55. being

  56. (quote-book)|trans-title=(w)|genre=collection of (w) (w)s and (w)s|year=14–19 May 1835|page=Giacomo – Operette morali, 1928 – BEIC 1857808.djvu/72|66|text= Nel qual modo, accrescerai propriamente la vita umana, ed empiendo quegli smisurati intervalli di tempo nei quali il nostro essere è piuttosto durare che vivere, ti potrai dar vanto di prolungarla. |t= In this way, you will properly increase human life, and by filling up those immense intervals of time in which our being is rather lasting than living, you can boast of prolonging it.

  57. {{quote-book|it|author=Niccolò Tommaseo|year=1802–1874|

  58. being; living; existence; condition

  59. being, condition

  60. being, in good conditions

  61. ready

  62. place, operation

  63. (quote-book), (w)|year=1321 (volume and full book)|volume=Paradiso ''Paradise''|lines=110, 112–113|text= Tutte nature si muovono a diversi porti / per lo gran mar de l’essere |t= All natures move to different ports / via the great sea of being/god |lit= All natures move themselves to different ports / via the great sea of being

  64. being, creature

  65. being, creature

  66. existence

  67. (uxi)

  68. (altform)

  69. Roman epitaph (uncertain date but after the 4th–5th c. AD)

  70. (quote)|tr=omnes quị ... in hanc aulam ... o?rationem orate pro mẹ peccatore si d(eu)m habeatis protectorem quia quod estis fui et quod sum essere habetis et si quis se praesu(m)pserit contra hoc tumulu(m) meu(m) viola⟨re h⟩ạbeat inde inquisitio⟨nem an⟩ṭe tribunal d(omi)ni n(ost)ri ... ⟨sub?⟩iug?atu(m) cu(m)...|t=All who... in this court... Pray for me, the sinner that I was, if you have God as your protector. For I once was what you are, and you will one day be what I am ''sc''. a corpse. Should anyone dare desecrate this grave of mine, may he be judged for it before the tribunal of our Lord...
  71. (w) (8th c.)Meyer-Marthaler, Elisabeth. 1968. ''Römisches Recht in Rätien im frühen und hohen Mittelalter''. Zurich: Leemann. Page 114.

  72. (quote)
  73. (w)' ''Confessio'' (mid-9th c. AD)Gil, Juan. 1973. ''Corpus scriptorum muzarabicorum''. Vol. I. Madrid: CSIC. Page 328.

  74. ''Cartulário de San Vicente de Oviedo'' n.ᵒ6 (AD 905)Cruz, Guilherme Braga da. 1979. ''Obras Esparsas''. Vol. 1. Coimbra: Coimbra Editora. Page 72.

  75. to be

  76. to be (gloss)

  77. being