
suomi-englanti sanakirja

entre englanniksi

  1. (archaic spelling of)

  2. {{quote-journal

  3. {{quote-text|en|year=1722|author=Isaac Kimber|title=The History of England|page=470

  4. (inflection of)

  5. between

  6. {{quote-journal|ca|journal=Ara|title=El colonialisme va fer el món modern: refem-lo|trans-title=Colonialism made the modern world: let's remake it|author=Adom Getachew|date=August 8 2020

  7. among

  8. (alternative form of)

  9. among (gloss)

  10. (quote-book)

  11. between (gloss)

  12. (quote-book)|translation=But, furthermore, this mother tongue serves as a communication medium between countrymen from the same place or each of the three, (..)

  13. between, among

  14. (gl-verb form of)

  15. (verb form of)

  16. entrance, in

  17. An admission, an entrance fee.

  18. between, among

  19. (l), (l)

  20. to (l)

  21. to (l) (q)

  22. to (l) (q), go (l)

  23. among; amongst

  24. between, among, amongst

  25. (quote-web)

  26. (pt-verb form of)

  27. (ux)

  28. among, amongst, from

  29. divided by

  30. (es-verb form of)