
suomi-englanti sanakirja

el englannista suomeksi

  1. ilmarata

  1. äl, ällä

  2. Substantiivi

  3. Verbi

el englanniksi

  1. EL

  1. (ISO 639)

  2. (Latn-def)

  3. {{quote-journal|en|year=1773|journal=The Monthly Review Or Literary Journal Enlarged|month=October

  4. An railway, especially for specific systems such as the metro in Chicago.

  5. {{quote-text|en|year=2012|author=Roger P. Roess; Gene Sansone|title=The Wheels That Drove New York|page=294

  6. The number occurring after dek and before do in a duodecimal system. Written , decimal value 11.

  7. The (sometimes where "the" would not occur in normal English).

  8. {{quote-text|en|year=2007|author=Richard Bachman|title=Blaze|page=125

  9. (Cyrl-def)

  10. him (qualifier)

  11. (syn)

  12. he

  13. him

  14. the

  15. people

  16. country, land

  17. tract, region, district, province

  18. e (qualifier) + ul (qualifier)

  19. e (qualifier) + al (qualifier)

  20. the; (n-g-lite)

  21. (n-g-lite); the; what, that which

  22. (ux-lite)

  23. him (direct object)

  24. angel

  25. hand, forearm

  26. ell

  27. alder

  28. electricity

  29. A unit of length corresponding to about 69 cm: ell, cubit.

  30. they

  31. them

  32. made of

  33. from (of)

  34. (ant)


  35. {{quote-book

  36. (ng-lite); he

  37. he

  38. it (gloss)

  39. (uxi)

  40. he, she (q)

  41. off

  42. away

  43. (l), (l); he/she leaves or they leave the scene or stage (gloss)

  44. (inflection of)

  45. (apocopic form of); she, her

  46. (Latn-def-lite)

  47. (l-lite) (n-g-lite)

  48. {{quote-book|ist|year=1877|author=Antonio Ive|title=Canti popolari istriani: raccolti a Rovigno|volume=5|publisher=Ermanno Loescher|page=128

  49. the

  50. (alternative form of)

  51. (apocopic form of)

  52. (contraction of): and the

  53. to have, own, possess

  54. to belong to

  55. the (qualifier)

  56. he, it

  57. (n-g-lite)''.

  58. (n-g-lite)/(l-lite).

  59. the (gloss)

  60. other, another

  61. else, otherwise

  62. elsewhere

  63. eel

  64. short form of (m-lite), (m-lite), (m-lite), used mainly in compound words. It is treated as a noun rather than a prefix, in the same manner as Swedish.

  65. (rfdef)

  66. (infl of)

  67. he (q)

  68. it (q)

  69. el, the letter L

  70. (contraction of)

  71. {{quote-book|fro|year=c. 1250|author=Marie de France|title=of Marie de France|Equitan

  72. something else

  73. (quote-book)

  74. (apocopic form of)

  75. (roa-opt-cite-cantigas)

  76. fugiu con el a Egipto. terra de Reẏ Faraon.
    : ran away with him to Egypt, land of the Pharaoh king.
  77. (only used in): the

  78. hand

  79. (n-g-lite); the

  80. (n-g-lite):

  81. electricity, electric current or power; (contraction of) or (m-lite)

  82. 1957, used as a prefix, §14, Lag (1957:262) om allmän energiskatt

  83. {{quote|sv|''elektrisk kraft som förbrukas för el-, gas-, värme- eller vattenförsörjning i andra kommuner''
  84. 1975, Winberg|Håkan Winberg (m), speaking in the Riksdag on May 27 (protocol, page 264)

  85. {{quote|sv|''Vidare är den del av marknaden som har den högsta betalningsförmågan, dvs. hushållen, inriktad på användning av el.''
  86. 1980, Rune Torwald (c), speaking in the Riksdag on January 11 (protocol, page 46)

  87. {{quote|sv|''När man använder så stor andel av elen till att värma upp bostäder som ju bara utnyttjas vintertid och inte på sommaren, så får man stora säsongvariationer.''
  88. (short for)

  89. (Latn-def-lite) ''in the (w).''

  90. (syn-lite)

  91. hand

  92. a foreign person

  93. country, homeland, province

  94. he, she, it (q)