
suomi-englanti sanakirja

effeminacy englannista suomeksi

  1. naismaisuus

  1. Substantiivi

effeminacy englanniksi

  1. The quality of being effeminate.

  2. (synonyms)

  3. (quote-book)

  4. (quote-book)1;c{{=eebo;c{{=eebo2;g{{=eebogroup;rgn{{=div1;singlegenre{{=All;sort{{=occur;subview{{=detail;type{{=simple;view{{=fulltext;xc{{=1;q1{{=effaeminacie (no ligatures at EEBO)|location=London|publisher=(...)Mathewes|year=1628|passage=Certainly, though I dare not antedate the ſorrowes of our ''Syon'', or raiſe a feare or iealouſie without a ground; yet when I doe but ſeriouſly and cordially ſuruay, that intollerable ''pride;'' that ''aboundance of idleneſſe;'' that ''fulneſſe of bread;'' that ''luſting after ſtrange fleſh'' (the ''ſinnes that drew downe fire and brimſtone vpon Sodome long agoe;'') thoſe monſtrous habites, faſhions and attires: that exceſſiue vanity, Atheiſme and prophaneneſſe: that execrable and ''frequent'' banning, ''ſwearing'', curſing and blaſpheming: that greedie couetouſneſſe, extortion and oppreſſion; that fearefull murther and bloudſhed; that ſcurrility, effæminacie, wantonneſſe, fornication, whoredome, adulterie and vncleaneneſſe: that generall neglect, contempt and hatred of God, of grace, of goodneſſe, and the Goſpell: that ''ſtupified and ſenceleſſe ſecurity'', and hardneſſe of heart, ''in the middeſt of feares and dangers:'' that degenerating and growing worſe and worſe, not withſtanding all Gods iudgements, ''which ſtill encreaſe vpon vs'', ''becauſe our ſinnes encreaſe:'' that diſſoluteneſſe, that drunkenneſſe, deboiſtneſſe, and exceſſe of ''Healthes;'' together with thoſe other troopes of ſundry ſinnes, which walke ſo bold and thick among vs, in deſpite of all thoſe meanes which GOD hath vſed to reclaime vs from them: I cannot but conclude as others doe: that theſe abominations and ſinnes of ours (eſpecially in theſe times of feare and danger, ''which cry and call for true repentance'') prognoſticate no victory, no good, no bleſſing, nor ſucceſſe: but vndoubted ruine and deſtruction to vs, vnleſſe we ſpeedily repent vs of them.

  5. (RQ:Milton Samson)