
suomi-englanti sanakirja

don englannista suomeksi

  1. don, mafiapomo

  2. luennoitsija, opettaja, lehtori

  3. pukea ylleen, sonnustautua

  1. mafiapomo, don

  2. pukeutua, sonnustautua, pukea ylleen">pukea ylleen

  3. Verbi

  4. Substantiivi

don englanniksi

  1. Don

  1. (senseid) A university professor, particularly one at Oxford or Cambridge.

  2. (RQ:Hughes Tom Brown at Oxford)

  3. (RQ:Eliot Daniel Deronda)

  4. An employee of a university residence who lives among the student residents.

  5. A mafia boss.

  6. (n-g)

  7. (cot)

  8. (quote-journal)

  9. (quote-book)

  10. Any man, bloke, dude.

  11. (quote-song)

  12. To on clothing; to dress (oneself) in an article of personal attire.

  13. (syn)



  14. you want, need

  15. (uxi)

  16. you like

  17. you love

  18. it wants, needs

  19. it likes

  20. it loves

  21. dress (q)

  22. gown (q)

  23. raiment, attire, garb, habiliments

  24. appearance, look (q)

  25. frozen, congealed

  26. frost

  27. ice-covered ground, ice

  28. day

  29. to enter

  30. to put (something into something)

  31. to put on, wear (of clothing)

  32. (ngd)

  33. deep

  34. leaf (gl)

  35. (i)

  36. (q) (defdate)

  37. (q)

  38. (l) (gloss)

  39. leaf (gloss)

  40. gift, talent, knack

  41. gift (present)

  42. donation

  43. sir, mister

  44. (contraction of)

  45. misfortune

  46. Father (a title given to priests)

  47. a title of respect to a man

  48. (l), leader, leader, boss, head of a garrison (gloss)

  49. (ja-romanization of)

  50. To do, perform (an activity)

  51. To complete, finish

  52. To make, create

  53. To put, place, position, raise

  54. To remove, away

  55. To go or move (in a specified direction)

  56. To behave (in a specified manner)

  57. To cause (an action or state)

  58. ''Emphasises the verb that follows it''

  59. ''Stands in for a verb in a dependent clause''

  60. to on

  61. to do

  62. have (''perfect aspect auxiliary'')

  63. (melted) fat, grease

  64. you (singular)

  65. (inflection of)

  66. gift (gloss)

  67. donation (gloss)

  68. c. 995, of Eynsham|Ælfric, ''Extracts on Grammar in English''

  69. (quote)
  70. c. 990, ''(w)'', Matthew 17:12

  71. late 10th century, of Eynsham|Ælfric, ''English Hexateuch|the Old English Hexateuch'', Genesis 41:55

  72. c. 995, of Eynsham|Ælfric, ''Extracts on Grammar in English''

  73. c. 992, of Eynsham|Ælfric, "Sermon on the Beginning of Creation"

  74. late 10th century, of Eynsham|Ælfric, ''English Hexateuch|the Old English Hexateuch'', Genesis 3:8

  75. to make, cause

  76. c. 992, of Eynsham|Ælfric, "The Passion of St. Bartholomew the Apostle"

  77. c. 990, ''(w)'', Matthew 3:3

  78. c. 990, ''(w)'', Matthew 4:19

  79. late 10th century, of Eynsham|Ælfric, ''English Hexateuch|the Old English Hexateuch'', Genesis 42:36

  80. c. 992, of Eynsham|Ælfric, "The Nativity of St. Andrew the Apostle"

  81. late 10th century, of Eynsham|Ælfric, "Memory of the Saints"

  82. to put

  83. c. 990, ''(w)'', Mark 7:33

  84. c. 990, ''(w)'', Matthew 26:52

  85. late 10th century, of Eynsham|Ælfric, ''English Hexateuch|the Old English Hexateuch'', Genesis 9:23

  86. to add

  87. {{quote-text|ang|year=c. 1011|author=Byrhtferth|url=|title=Manual

  88. to take off, remove

  89. late 10th century, of Eynsham|Ælfric, ''English Hexateuch|the Old English Hexateuch'', Exodus 3:5

  90. to treat someone ''(+ dative)'' a certain way

  91. c. 973, of Winchester|Æthelwold, translation of the (w)

  92. late 9th century, Alfred the Great|King Alfred's translation of Boethius|Boethius' ''(w)''

  93. c. 990, ''(w)'', Luke 16:19

  94. to give (+dative)

  95. late 10th century, of Eynsham|Ælfric, "Chair of Saint Peter"

  96. gift

  97. of/from the (g)

  98. to/for the (g)

  99. misfortune, evil

  100. sir, master; a title prefixed to male names

  101. {{quote-text|osp|year=c. 1200|author=Almerich|title=de Ultramar|Fazienda de Ultramar|section=f. 1r

  102. gift, talent

  103. {{quote-text|osp|year=c. 1200|author=Almerich|title=de Ultramar|Fazienda de Ultramar|section=f. 65r

  104. (apocopic form of); where

  105. {{quote-text|osp|year=c. 1200|author=Almerich|title=de Ultramar|Fazienda de Ultramar|section=f. 56r

  106. (contraction of)

  107. sir, master, lord

  108. social honorary title referred to men possessing patrimonial assets

  109. a title of respect to a man, especially older, prefixed to names

  110. a title of respect to a man, prefixed to names

  111. gift, present

  112. stupid

  113. stupidity

  114. a tool, an implement

  115. underpants

  116. pants

  117. pants

  118. shorts

  119. (tr-verb form of)

  120. grain

  121. (taxlink), (vern)

  122. a cape, headland

  123. To put on, as clothes, dress.

  124. kind of bread

  125. drink