
suomi-englanti sanakirja

crusader englannista suomeksi

  1. kampanjoitsija

  1. Substantiivi

  2. ristiretkeläinen, ristiretkeilijä

crusader englanniksi

  1. Crusader

  1. A fighter in the medieval Crusades who had taken the Cross.

  2. {{quote-book|en|year=1907|author=Edward Bindloss|Harold Bindloss

  3. ''the crusaders of the Middle Ages''

  4. A person engaged in a crusade.

  5. An American, especially a soldier or leader who wages war against Islamist militants.

  6. 1998, Osama Bin Laden

  7. Second, despite the great devastation inflicted on the Iraqi people by the crusader-Zionist alliance, and despite the huge number of those killed, which has exceeded 1 million... despite all this, the Americans are once against trying to repeat the horrific massacres, as though they are not content with the protracted blockade imposed after the ferocious war or the fragmentation and devastation.
  8. A Westerner; a Christian, especially of European descent or a missionary.

  9. (either attributively or in the plural) The States and its Western allies.