
suomi-englanti sanakirja

crisscross englannista suomeksi

  1. ristikko-

  2. kulkea ristiin rastiin

  3. rasti

  4. ristikkäin

  5. vetää viivaa ristiin rastiin

  1. Verbi

  2. liikkua rastiin">liikkua rastiin, risteillä

  3. ruuduttaa

  4. Substantiivi

  5. ristikko, ruudukko

  6. ruudukoitu, ristitty, ristiviivattu

  7. ristiin rastiin, pitkin poikin, ristikkäin, ristissä, ympäri ämpäri

crisscross englanniksi

  1. To move and forth over or through.

  2. (quote-book)

  3. (quote-journal)|passage=He told me about all the odd jobs he'd taken after I was born, when Michigan's economy was tanking. For one, he crisscrossed the Midwest buying old carpets from dentists' offices.

  4. (quote-av)

  5. To mark with crossed lines.

  6. A pattern of crossed lines.

  7. (RQ:Atwood Handmaid)

  8. A mark or cross, such as the signature of a person who is unable to write.

  9. A kind of crossword puzzle having no clues or definitions, but only a list of words that must be fitted into the grid.

  10. (quote-text)

  11. A child's game played on paper or on a slate, consisting of lines arranged in the form of a cross. (rfex)

  12. Marked with crossed lines.

  13. Crossing one another.