
suomi-englanti sanakirja

copyright englannista suomeksi

  1. tekijänoikeus, kirjallinen omistusoikeus

  2. suojata tekijänoikeus

  1. Substantiivi

  2. tekijänoikeus, copyright

  3. Verbi

  4. suojata tekijänoikeudella">suojata tekijänoikeudella

copyright englanniksi

  1. The right by law to be the entity which determines who may publish, copy and distribute a piece of writing, music, picture or other work of authorship.

  2. ''Copyright is a separate legal area from trademarks.''

  3. Such an exclusive right as it pertains to one or more specific works.

  4. ''The artist lost the copyrights to her songs when she signed the contract.''

    ''The images are still copyright of the original artist.''

  5. A violation of copyright law; infringement.

  6. (co)

  7. (quote-web)

  8. To obtain or secure a copyright for some literary or other artistic work.

  9. (quote-book)

  10. 2002, ''(w)'' (film)

  11. J. J. Jameson: The Green Goblin. You like that? Made it up myself. These weirdos all gotta have a name now. Hoffman! Call the patent office, copyright the name "Green Goblin". I want a quarter every time somebody says it.
  12. (l)

  13. (synonym of)

  14. (ux)

  15. (alternative form of)