
suomi-englanti sanakirja

convict englannista suomeksi

  1. tuomita

  2. rangaistusvanki

  3. tuomittu

  1. Verbi

  2. todeta syylliseksi">todeta syylliseksi, tuomita, paheksua moral sense

  3. Substantiivi

  4. tuomittu, vanki, rangaistusvanki

  5. vanki

convict englanniksi

  1. To find guilty, as a result of legal proceedings, or in a moral sense.

  2. (syn)


  3. (quote-book)|chapter=The Vindictives|year=1936|passage=And his subjects wrung all they could wring / Out of temple and palace and store. / But when there seemed no more to bring, / His captors convicted the king / Of once having started a war, / And strangled the wretch with a string.

  4. To convince, persuade; to cause (someone) to believe in (something).

  5. A person convicted of a crime by a judicial body.

  6. A person deported to a colony.

  7. The cichlid ((taxlink)), also known as the zebra cichlid, a popular aquarium fish, with stripes that resemble a prison uniform.

  8. A common name for the sheepshead ((taxlink)), owing to its black and gray stripes.