
suomi-englanti sanakirja

conduce englannista suomeksi

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  3. Substantiivi

conduce englanniksi

  1. To cause (something) to occur; to about.

  2. (RQ:Strype Ecclesiastical Memorials)|chapter=Wolsey's Counsil and Influence in the King's Affairs. ...|year=1518|page=21|passage=And vvell aſſured you may be, the King's Highneſs upon Sight of theſe your ſaid Letters, not only much commended your great Diligence and provident Dexterity, in the vviſe conducing of theſe his vveighty Matters, vvhereby ye have deſerved his ſingular Favour and Thanks, but alſo took great Rejoicing, Conſolation and Comfort, in this honourable, princely and loving Demeanour of the ſaid ''French'' King: (..)

  3. (RQ:Burnet Church of England)

  4. To contribute (something).

  5. To conduct or lead (someone or something).

  6. (RQ:Herbert Travaile)

  7. To advantage or benefit (someone or something).

  8. (synonyms)

  9. To on or continue (an activity).

  10. (RQ:Shakespeare Troilus and Cressida Q1)

  11. To contribute or lead to a specific result.

  12. (antonyms)

  13. (RQ:Bacon Sylva Sylvarum)

  14. (RQ:Jones Stone-heng)

  15. (RQ:Hobbes Philosophy) endeavour to find out the certainty of ſomething in queſtion; as vvhat is the cauſe of ''Light'', of ''Heat'', of ''Gravity'', of a ''Figure'' propounded, and the like; or in vvhat ''Subject'' any propounded ''Accident'' is inhærent; or vvhat may conduce moſt to the ''generation'' of ſome propounded ''Effect'' from many ''Accidents''; or in vvhat manner particular Cauſes ought to be compounded for the production of ſome certaine Effect.

  16. (RQ:Baxter Universal Concord)

  17. (RQ:Fielding Tom Jones)

  18. (RQ:Mary Shelley Frankenstein)

  19. (quote-book)|year=1822|year_published=1857|volume_plain=division 1|page=54|pageurl=|column=2|oclc=1905838|passage=Best member in the family of ''Brassica''! salubrious is the employment and sweet the reward of rearing thee cabbage for the mouth and stomach! (..) Thy votaries here present give evidence in their looks and conduct, how admirably thou conducest to innocent recreation and festive joy.

  20. (RQ:Bulwer-Lytton Athens)

  21. (RQ:Macaulay History of England)

  22. (RQ:James Awkward Age)

  23. (RQ:Maxwell Mirror and the Lamp)

  24. (quote-book)

  25. To be advantageous to; to advantage, to benefit.

  26. (RQ:Burton Melancholy) ''I am mightily detained and allured vvith that grace & comelineſſe of faire vvomen, I am vvell pleaſed to bee idle amongſt them.'' And vvhat young man is not? As is acceptable and conducing to moſt, ſo eſpecially to a melancholy man.|footer=An adjective use.

  27. (RQ:Culpeper English Physitian)

  28. (RQ:Stanley History of Philosophy)

  29. (gl-verb form of)

  30. (inflection of)

  31. to drive, to conduct

  32. to rule, lead, direct

  33. to drive a vehicle

  34. (ux) un pic mai încet.|You drive too fast. Go a little slower.

  35. to lead (gl)

  36. (es-verb form of)