
suomi-englanti sanakirja

comply englannista suomeksi

  1. noudattaa, suostua, myöntyä, mukautua, taipua

  1. Verbi

  2. suostua, taipua, mukautua, myöntyä

comply englanniksi

  1. To yield assent; to accord; to acquiesce, agree, consent; to adapt oneself, to conform.

  2. (synonyms)


  3. (RQ:Milton Paradise Regained)

  4. (RQ:Butler Hudibras)

  5. (RQ:Tillotson Works)

  6. (RQ:Defoe Crusoe)

  7. (RQ:Collins Woman in White)

  8. (quote-book)

  9. To accomplish, to fulfil. (defdate)

  10. (quote-book); now believed to be by (w)|title=Revenge for Honour. A Tragedie|location=London|publisher=Printed for and Richard MarriotRichard Marriot|Richard Marriot,(nb...)|year=1654|oclc=838634582|location2=London|publisher2=Printed for (w),(nb...)|year2=1659|section2=Act II, scene i|page2=22|pageurl2=|oclc2=838949769|passage=Gentle ''Abrahen'', I / am griev'd my power cannot comply my promiſe: / my Father's ſo averſe from granting my / requeſt concerning thee, that with angrie frowns / he did expreſs rather a paſſionate rage, / then a refuſall civil, or accuſtom'd / to his indulgent diſpoſition.

  11. To be ceremoniously courteous; to make one's compliments.

  12. (RQ:Shakespeare Hamlet Q1-2) extent to the players, which I tell you muſt ſhowe fairely outwards, ſhould more appeare like entertainment than yours: (..)

  13. To enfold; to embrace.

  14. (quote-book)|year=1648|oclc=270794850|newversion=republished in|title2=The Works of Robert Herrick|location2=Edinburgh|publisher2=Reprinted for Tait (publisher)|William and Charles Tait|year2=1823|volume2=I|page2=234|pageurl2=|oclc2=2946935|passage=And then a rug of carded wooll, / Which, spunge-like, drinking in the dull / Light of the moon, seem'd to comply, / Cloud-like, the daintie deitie.