
suomi-englanti sanakirja

clash englannista suomeksi

  1. riidellä

  2. yhteenotto

  3. törmätä yhteen

  4. kalskahdus, helinä

  5. ristiriita

  6. ottaa yhteen

  7. yhteentörmäys

  1. Substantiivi

  2. kalske, kalskahdus

  3. yhteenotto

  4. Verbi

  5. kalskahtaa

  6. ottaa yhteen

clash englanniksi

  1. A loud sound, like the crashing together of metal objects.

  2. (ux)

  3. A skirmish, a hostile encounter.

  4. (quote-book)

  5. match; a game between two sides.

  6. (quote-text)

  7. An angry argument

  8. Opposition; contradiction; such as between differing or contending interests, views, purposes etc.

  9. (coi)

  10. A combination of garments that do not look good together, especially because of conflicting colours.

  11. ''She was wearing a horrible clash of red and orange.''

  12. An instance of restarting the game after a "dead ball", where it is dropped between two opposing players, who can fight for possession.

  13. Chatter; gossip; idle talk.

  14. To make a clashing sound.

  15. ''The cymbals clashed.''

  16. To cause to make a clashing sound.

  17. To come into violent conflict.

  18. ''Fans from opposing teams clashed on the streets after the game.''

  19. To argue angrily.

  20. ''My parents often clashed about minor things, such as the cleaning or shopping rota.''

  21. To face each other in an important game.

  22. {{quote-journal

  23. To fail to look good together; to contrast unattractively; to fail to harmonize.

  24. ''You can't wear that shirt! It clashes with your trousers.''

    ''The hotel room was ugly, and the wallpaper clashed with the carpet.''

  25. To coincide, to happen at the same time, thereby rendering it impossible to attend all.

  26. ''I can't come to your wedding because it clashes with a friend's funeral.''

    ''I wanted to take German, but it clashed with art on the timetable.''

  27. To chatter or gossip.

  28. (l)