
suomi-englanti sanakirja

cherish englannista suomeksi

  1. vaalia, olla mieltynyt

  1. Verbi

  2. vaalia

cherish englanniksi

  1. To treat with affection, care, and tenderness; to nurture or protect with care.

  2. (RQ:Howell Forreine Travell)

  3. (quote-book)

  4. (RQ:Mary Shelley Frankenstein)

  5. (RQ:Maxwell Mirror and the Lamp)

  6. To have a deep appreciation of; to dear.

  7. (antonyms)


  8. (RQ:Jonson Poetaster) Can thy Author doe it impudently enough? / ''Hiſt''''rio''. O, I warrant you, Captaine: and ſpitefully inough too; he ha's one of the moſt ouerflowing villanous wits, in ''Rome''. He will ſlander any man that breathes; If he diſguſt him. / ''Tucca''. I'le know the poor, egregious, nitty Raſcall; and he haue ſuch commendable Qualities, I'le cheriſh him: (..)

  9. (quote-book)|edition=2nd revised and inlarged|location=London|publisher=Printed for William Grantham(nb...), Henry Mortlock(nb...), and Miller (British publisher)|William Miller(nb...)|year=1665|pages=77–78|pageurl=|oclc=639979398|passage=So by ''cheriſhing Humility'', ''Pride'' is ''weakned'', by cheriſhing ''Patience'', Violent ''Paſſions'', and ''Anger'', and ''Peeviſhneſs'' are ''deſtroyed'', by cheriſhing ''Purity'', and ''Chaſtity of'' Heart and Thoughts, ''Uncleanneſs'' is ''mortified'', and ſo by cheriſhing ''heavenly mindedneſs'', the ''love of the world'' is ''abated'' and ''weakned'': and the like might be ſhewed in other inſtances.

  10. (quote-book)|year=1898|pages=98–99|pageurl=|oclc=935900223|passage=The age in which all thought that trades must be established by bounties and prohibitions; that manufacturers needed their materials and qualities and prices to be prescribed; and that the value of money could be determined by law; was an age which unavoidably cherished the notions that a child's mind could be made to order; that its powers were to be imparted by the schoolmaster; that it was a receptacle into which knowledge was to be put and there built up after its teacher's ideal.

  11. (quote-book)'s&93; work and his thoughts, and we owe it to ourselves to show that his memory is to us a most cherished possession.

  12. (quote-song)

  13. To cheer, to gladden.

  14. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene)

  15. (RQ:Shakespeare All's Well)