
suomi-englanti sanakirja

checker englannista suomeksi

  1. kirjavoittaa

  2. tarkastaja

  3. ruuduttaa

  4. matkatavarasäilön hoitaja, vaatesäilön hoitaja

  5. šakkinappula

  1. tarkastaja

  2. kassa

  3. Verbi

checker englanniksi

  1. One who or that which checks or verifies something.

  2. (quote-book)’s Spelling tool is as much a “typo” tool as a checker of spelling.

  3. One who makes a check mark.

  4. {{quote-text|en|year=1989|author=M. Manfred Fabritius; William Borges|title=Saving the Savings and Loan

  5. The clerk who tallies cost of purchases and accepts payment.

  6. ''There was a long line at the grocery store because the checker was so slow.''

  7. (RQ:King Mist)

  8. One who hinders or stops something.

  9. A playing piece in the game of checkers (British: draughts).

  10. A pattern of alternating colours as on a chessboard.

  11. An individual square appearing in such a pattern.

  12. To mark in a pattern of alternating light and dark positions, like a checkerboard.

  13. To develop markings in a pattern of alternating light and dark positions, like a checkerboard.

  14. The fruit of the service tree or tree, (taxlink), syn. (taxlink)

  15. to check, verify

  16. to bump fists