
suomi-englanti sanakirja

champignon englanniksi

  1. (taxfmt), a species of mushroom commonly used in cooking.

  2. {{quote-journal|en|date=2007 January 31|author=C. J. Chivers|title=A Soviet Agricultural Success: Vast Greenhouse Complex|journal=New York Times|url=

  3. Any mushroom.

  4. {{quote-text|en|year=1849|author=George Waterhouse|title=Conjugal Felicities and Infelicities|page=47

  5. (l)

  6. A champignon, a mushroom, (taxfmt).

  7. mushroom

  8. (coi)

  9. fungus in general

  10. (syn)


  11. fungal infection

  12. accelerator pedal

  13. (l), mushroom, crimini ((taxfmt))

  14. (alt form)

  15. (l) (gloss), a small, edible mushroom