
suomi-englanti sanakirja

chão englanniksi

  1. ground, floor

  2. (roa-opt-cite-cantigas)

  3. Como hũa moller que perigoóu no mar. ⁊ tragia un fillo pequeno nos braços. ⁊ fezea ſanta maria per címa das aguas andar de pé aſſi como ẏria per un muí bon chão.
    : How a woman who sank in the sea. And had a small child in her arms. And Holy Mary brought her over the water to walk as she would in a good floor.
  4. flatland, plain

  5. flat, smooth

  6. Pois a Catiua eſperta. / foi achouſſ en űu camỹo / ancho ⁊ chão ſen pedras / ⁊ andou o mui feſtỹno
    : So the smart captive / went and found herself in a path, / ample and flat, without rocks, / and walked through it very quickly.
  7. ground, soil, earth

  8. (syn)

  9. floor

  10. (uxi)

  11. land

  12. plain

  13. a period of time between the present and a future event

  14. flat, level, even, smooth

  15. rope; cord; cable (''typically braided'')

  16. frog