
suomi-englanti sanakirja

censor englannista suomeksi

  1. arvostelija, moraalinvartija

  2. sensuroida

  3. sensori, tarkastaja

  1. sensori

  2. sensori, arvostelija, moraalinvartija

  3. sensuroida

  4. sensori, ydinminä

  5. Substantiivi

censor englanniksi

  1. One of the two magistrates who originally administered the census of citizens, and by antiquity|Classical times (between the 8th century (B.C.E) and the 6th century (C.E)) was a high judge of public behaviour and morality.

  2. (synonyms)


  3. (RQ:Shakespeare Coriolanus)

  4. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(...) Miles Flesher|year=1685|section=paragraph 17|page=7|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=uuVBAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA7|oclc=80381602|passage=Neither the ''Segetes Lustrantur'' and the ''Oves Lustrantur'' are in this place, to be underſtood the ''Luſtra'', which were wont to be Celebrated at ''Rome'' by the ''Cenſors'', after the ''Cenſus'' of Citizens was made by a Sacrifice of the ''Suovetaurilia''; for they had ceaſed long ago, as appeareth by what ''Cenſorinus'' writeth in his Book ''de Die Natali''; at which time the ''Office'' of ''Cenſors'' also ceaſed, which ſome endeavoured, though in vain, to re-eſtabliſh.

  5. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(...) A. Swall and T. Child,(nb...)|year=1696|section=part II, book III (Of the Civil Government of the Romans)|pages=110–111|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/romaeantiquaenot00kenn_0/page/n165/mode/1up|oclc=863601332|passage=&91;page 110&93; Justus Lipsius|''Justus'' ''Lipſius'' divides the Duty of the ''Cenſors'' into two Heads; the Survey of the People, and the Cenſure of Manners. (..) With respect to the latter part of their Office, they had the power to puniſh an Immorality in any Perſon, of what Order ſoever. (..) &91;page 111&93; 'Tis very remarkable, that if one of the ''Cenſors'' died, no body was ſubſtituted in his room 'till the next ''Luſtrum'', and his Partner was oblig'd to quit his Office; becauſe the Death of a ''Cenſor'' happen'd juſt before the ſacking of ''Rome'' by the ''Gauls'', and was ever after accounted highly ominous and unfortunate.

  6. (RQ:Gibbon Roman Empire)

  7. (quote-book)|year=1876|page=165|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=CNQpAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA165|oclc=38673210|passage=The Censors were always two in number, and were originally chosen from the Patricians exclusively. In B.C. 351, we find for the first time a Plebeian Censor, Marcius Rutilus|Gaius Marcius Rutilus. In B.C. 339, a ''Lex Publilia'' was passed by Publilius Philo|Quintus Publilius Philo when Dictator, enacting that at least one of the Censors must be a Plebeian.

  8. A high-ranking official who was responsible for the supervision of subordinate government officials.

  9. An official responsible for the removal or suppression of objectionable material (for example, if obscene or likely to incite violence) or sensitive content in books, films, correspondence, and other media.

  10. (quote-book)

  11. A college or university official whose duties vary depending on the institution.

  12. (RQ:Wood Athenae Oxonienses)'s&93; reſidence in the ſaid houſe Church, Oxford, he was eſteemed a Perſon to be much ſtained with Puritaniſme, and to be violent againſt all ſuch that were ſuſpected to favour the Romiſh See. When he was Cenſor alſo, he was ſo zealous as to ſaw down a harmleſs maypole ſtanding within the precincts of the ſaid houſe, becauſe forſooth he thought it came out of a Romiſh Foreſt.

  13. One who censures or condemns.

  14. (RQ:Macaulay History of England)

  15. An algorithm that approves or rejects something on grounds of taste or morality etc.

  16. To review for, and if necessary to remove or suppress, content from books, films, correspondence, and other media which is regarded as objectionable (for example, obscene, likely to incite violence, or sensitive).

  17. (antonyms)

  18. A hypothetical subconscious agency which filters unacceptable thought before it reaches the conscious mind.

  19. (l)

  20. provincial magistrate with similar duties.

  21. a critic, especially a severe one of morals and society

  22. censoring

  23. (syn)

  24. (l) (gloss)

  25. (l) (gloss)

  26. (l), censurer (gloss)

  27. (l); a Roman census administrator

  28. (l); an official responsible for the removal of objectionable or sensitive content