
suomi-englanti sanakirja

breath englannista suomeksi

  1. hengitys, henkäisy

  2. tuulahdus, henkäys

  3. henki, hengitysilma

  4. hengenveto

  5. häivähdys

  1. Substantiivi

  2. hengitys

  3. hengitys, henkäys

  4. hengitys, uloshengitys

  5. hengähdystauko, tauko

  6. henkäys

  7. Verbi

breath englanniksi

  1. The act or process of breathing.

  2. (ux)

  3. (RQ:Chambers Younger Set)

  4. A single act of breathing in or out; a breathing of air.

  5. (RQ:Hough Purchase Price)She put back a truant curl from her forehead where it had sought egress to the world, and looked him full in the face now, drawing a deep breath which caused the round of her bosom to lift the lace at her throat.

  6. {{quote-journal|en|year=2012|author=John Branch|title=Snow Fall : The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek|newspaper=New York Time|url=

  7. Air expelled from the lungs.

  8. A rest or pause.

  9. A small amount of something, such as wind, or sense.

  10. Fragrance; exhalation; odor; perfume.

  11. (RQ:Tennyson In Memoriam)Who wakenest with thy balmy breath

  12. (RQ:Bacon Essayes)

  13. Gentle exercise, causing a quicker respiration.

  14. (RQ:Shakespeare Measure)

  15. voiceless, surd; contrasting with voice (breath sounds, voice sounds)

  16. (misspelling of)

  17. ''In the polar regions one finds dark cold waters with few places to breath.''

  18. (alternative form of)