
suomi-englanti sanakirja

boto englanniksi

  1. (taxfmt), a species of freshwater dolphin endemic to the Amazon river system

  2. (quote-journal)

  3. vote

  4. (syn)

  5. franchise, suffrage

  6. vow

  7. (ca-verb form of)

  8. (misspelling of)

  9. to vote

  10. boot

  11. frog

  12. Risso's dolphin ((taxfmt))

  13. blunt, dull

  14. wineskin, waterskin

  15. (gl-verb form of)

  16. (romanization of)

  17. penis, male genital

  18. (nonstandard spelling of)

  19. sister

  20. body

  21. messenger, envoy

  22. boat, ship, vessel

  23. (l) (gloss), a freshwater dolphin of the Amazon

  24. any dolphin, especially a freshwater one

  25. dull (gloss)

  26. dull; slow (gloss)

  27. Bhat (gloss)

  28. wineskin, water skin (gl)

  29. (pt-verb form of)

  30. blunt

  31. (es-verb form of)

  32. (topics) boat

  33. vow

  34. to know

  35. explosion, bang

  36. thud, thump

  37. toll (of a bell)